
Program Services

Program Services

The Berlin Public School System is strongly committed to supporting students in their least restricted environment. The special education services provided to our students have been developed to support this concept. We believe that a continuum of placement options must be provided to meet the unique and individual needs of our students. Students may be serviced in a variety of settings which include: co-teaching within the general education classroom, learning center, semi-self-contained classroom, self-contained classroom, transition within the community, and out of district placements.

Speech, Language and Hearing

Services are provided to students who demonstrate significant delays in the use and a acquisition of normal speech and language skills. Services are provided on an individual and small group basis in the areas of articulation, language, voice, fluency and pragmatic language.

School Psychological / Social Work / Consulting Psychiatric

Services are provided on an individual and/or small group basis to help students succeed academically, socially and emotionally. These services are provided in the following areas: psychological testing, individual and small group counseling services, crisis interventions, developmental family assessments, home-school collaboration, school-based psychiatric consultations, teacher consultations and liaisons with outside mental health services.

Visually Impaired

Services are provided to students through itinerant staff from the State Board of Education and Services for the Blind and from the Capitol Region Council (CREC).

Deaf/Hearing Impaired

Services are provided to students by staff of a contracted agency. These staff members collaborate with general and special educators regarding students' audiological equipment and individual learning needs.

Physical Therapy and/or Occupational Therapy

Services are provided to students with disabilities when fine motor/sensory motor/gross motor difficulties impact their learning in a school setting. The focus of these services in a school setting is to promote functional independence or participation within the education environment.

Board Certified Behavioral Analysis

Services are provided to students, families, and staff regarding the unique behavioral needs of students. In addition the BCBA also works closely with those students who require discrete trial instruction.

Assistive Technology

Services are provided to students with disabilities when a student would be less able to or unable to independently participate in a task or access the resources in the environment relevant to his/her IEP goals without the technology. Assistive technology in a classroom may range from low-cost, low-tech devices, such as adaptive scissors or pencil grips, to higher cost, high-tech items such as augmentative communication devices.