
Health Services

The primary role of the school nurse is to promote student learning. The school nurse accomplishes this by collaborating with administrators to implement strategies that promote student and staff health and safety.
Parent communications with the school nurse is vital to the health and safety of the student.
The role of the school nurse includes:

  • Health Services - Serves as the coordinator of the Health Services Program and provides nursing care
  • Health Education - Provides health education to students, staff and parents.
  • Healthy Environment - Identifies health and safety concerns in the school environment and promotes a nurturing social environment.
  • Nutritional Services -Supports healthy food service programs.
  • Health Counseling/Mental Health- Provides health counseling, assesses mental health needs, provides interventions and refers students to appropriate school staff or community agencies.
  • Parent/Community Involvement- Promotes community involvement in assuring a healthy school.
  • Staff Wellness-Provides health education and counseling; promote healthy activities and environment for school staff.

To assist us in meeting your child's health needs, please contact the nurse at your school with any health questions you may have.


Deciding when a child is too sick to go to school can be a difficult decision for parents to make. When trying to decide, use the guidelines below and seek the advice of your health care provider. Please do not send your ill or injured child to school and ask the nurse to “check him/her out”. Please have a thermometer and check your child’s temperature at home. If you think your child needs assessment, contact his/her health care provider. Please be aware that some cold and allergy symptoms can also mimic other viruses and Covid symptoms. Please rule out Covid before sending your child to school.


  • If your child has a temperature over 100 degrees he/she must stay home. Your child cannot return to school the next day and should remain at home until fever free for at least 24 hours without medication.
  • If your child has diarrhea, he/she should stay home until the diarrhea has passed.
  • If your child vomited during the night, he/she must stay home the following day and until there is no vomiting for 24 hours and they are able to tolerate a meal.
  • If your child woke up with one or both eyes red, sealed with discharge, and/or is itchy or painful, he/she should stay home and be seen by their health care provider. If prescribed an antibiotic eye drop, he/she may return after 24 hours of use.
  • If your child is complaining of severe sore throat they should stay home and be seen by their health care provider. If an antibiotic is prescribed, he/she may return after 24 hours of use.
  • If your child has severe cold symptoms with thick discharge, especially green discharge, from the nose or has a wheezing, croupy cough they should stay home.
  • If your child has an unknown rash he/she should stay home and be evaluated by their health care provider. If prescribed an antibiotic they may return after 24 hours of use. Please cover any open or oozing sores.
  • If your child has head lice they can be in school once the initial treatment has been completed.
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) if you child has discharge from the eye or crust, they must be evaluated by a healthcare provider before returning to school. If diagnosed with conjunctivitis the child should remain at home until 24 hrs of antibiotic treatment has been completed.


In the event that your child does have a fever over 100 degrees, if they are exhibiting negative changes in behavior, temperament, or classroom performance due to various health concerns (i.e. fatigue, colds, constipation, etc.) you will be called to pick up your child.

Please consider the health of your child and the other children in the class and follow these guidelines before sending your child back to school. Keep these guidelines handy in order to determine when your child can come back to school after being ill. Please contact your school nurse with any questions. Recovery time is shorter with a sick child who is given plenty of rest. Thank you for helping us to maintain a healthy and happy school environment for all of our students!


Connecticut State Law says that NO medication may be taken at school without a doctor’s order and parent signature. This includes over-the-counter medications.

Medications may be dispensed from the nurse’s supply. No medication will be given out if the authorization is not signed by the parent. Phone authorization is not accepted.

Suggestion: Kids with braces or any extreme dental work might benefit by getting a medication order for discomfort from your dentist or orthodontist. Each time that the braces are tightened, the next day is usually a bit uncomfortable.

All students requiring daily or occasional medications during the school day must have a medication authorization form filled out yearly by the physician/APRN and signed by the parent/guardian. The medication should be brought to school by a parent/guardian in the original, labeled container. (Whenever possible, please have a spare inhaler/epi-pen kept in the nurse’s room in case the student forgets the medication at home and is in need of it.) Please inform the school nurse of any meds your child is taking outside of school as they may impact their school health. Students are prohibited from taking medication in school unless there is a physician order. Students age 12 and older can have Tylenol or Ibuprofen if the parent signs the standing order form. These medications are in the health room and do not need to be supplied by parents.

Remember – No Midol, no cold medicines, no allergy meds, no medication of any kind, including medicated cough drops, no matter how simple or common may be taken without a doctor’s order.

Self-Carry Medication – All students who self-carry inhalers, epi-pen, or other medication are required to have current orders on file each year at the nurse's office, also they are responsible for bringing medication to school or field trips. No extra medication will be provided if a student forgets to bring medication for a field trip. In some cases, the school nurse may stop the student from attending a field trip.


Physical Examination and Immunizations Requirements

All students entering Kindergarten must have a Connecticut Health Assessment Record (state blue form) with the required immunizations on file/uploaded into the Power School prior to starting school. Each student enrolled in the District must undergo a health assessment when entering grade six or grade seven and when entering grade nine or tenth. The Board of Education shall provide such assessments free of charge to students whose parents or guardians meet the eligibility requirements for free and reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Program or for free milk under the special milk program.

Gym Excuse: A child unable to participate in gym must have a note from either the physician or parent/guardian. Parents may excuse students from gym due to routine illness. A physician note must be obtained if the illness is due to a non-routine illness (ex. Mononucleosis) or an orthopedic problem (severe sprain, fracture). A physician note is also needed in cases like these to allow the student to resume gym class.

Health Room Visits: Parents will not receive a note home from the school nurse. If your child’s visit necessitates communication the nurse will call directly. Please be sure to give the school all updated numbers and who to contact should you be unavailable. Any child with a fever, vomiting or two or more COVID or FLU related symptoms will be dismissed from school. Please be sure to provide all updated contact information and have a plan in place for your student to be picked up should the need arise.

Absences: Please call the absence mailbox if your child will be absent from school. Please give any pertinent information i.e fever, vomiting, COVID-19 symptoms, strep throat etc so that we can track any illnesses.

Injuries: If your child was injured outside of school hours and has an injury that does not allow them to function normally in school, please notify the school nurse and provide a copy of the doctor's orders /accommodations. Nurse will follow the physician's orders and provide your child with an elevator pass, restrict physical education, etc. Students will not be allowed to use medical equipment at school without physician order. If your child has a note from a physician to excuse them from physical education, they must also get a note clearing them to return to sports/gym.


School Physical Examination Requirements

To be done in 9th grade or before entering 10th grade

Connecticut State Law requires all school children to have periodic physical examinations and to be properly immunized against certain diseases. During high school, students must have their school physical during their 9th grade year. Physicals completed after the end of 8th grade and prior to the start of 10th grade are acceptable. The student’s physician must complete the Connecticut Health Assessment Record (state blue form) and it must be on file at the nurse’s office prior to starting 10th grade.

Parents need to complete page 1 of the blue State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record and your child’s physician needs to complete page 2 and 3. The completed form needs to be turned in to the school nurse. Additional forms may be obtained from the school nurse website under forms and downloads.

Any student who has not submitted the required physical will be excluded from entering school in the fall until this requirement is satisfied.

Mandated Screenings: The following mandated screening will be completed during the school year. If you do not want your child screened, please notify the school nurse in writing. Males in grade 9, if follow-up is needed school nurse will communicate with parent/guardian via phone, email or a letter.

Sport Physical Examination Requirements

CIAC regulations state that a sports physical must be done within 13 months of initially playing a sport. Sports physicals must be updated annually, not to exceed 13 months between physicals.

Note- a school physical on the blue form is acceptable to meet the sports physical requirement, but, the sports physical form cannot be used as State required school physical. Forms may be obtained from the school nurse website under forms and downloads.

Any student who wishes to participate in interscholastic sports at McGee or BHS must have an annual physical. A physical for sports is valid for 13 months from the date the physical was done.


School Physical Examination Requirements

To be done in 6th grade or prior to 7th grade

Connecticut State Law requires all school children to have periodic physical examinations and to be properly immunized against certain diseases. The student’s physician must complete the Connecticut Health Assessment Record (state blue form) and it must be on file at the nurse’s office prior to starting 7th grade. Physicals completed after the end of 5th grade and prior to the start of 7th grade are acceptable. In addition, students must have received their 7th grade immunization requirements, which include the Tdap, Meningococcal, and Hepatitis A vaccines.

Parents need to complete page 1 of the blue State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record and your child’s physician needs to complete page 2 and 3. The completed form needs to be turned in to the school nurse. Additional forms may be obtained from the school nurse website under forms and downloads.

Any student who has not submitted the required physical will be excluded from entering school in the fall until this requirement is satisfied.

Mandated Screenings: The following screenings will be completed by the school nursing personnel during the school year. If you do not want your child screened, please notify the school nurse in writing. If you have any questions regarding any of these screenings, please contact the school nurses.

These screenings will be done for all hybrid learners. All equipment used will be sanitized between each student.

Postural screenings will be for females in 5th and 7th grade and males in 9th grade. The postural screening program is done to detect a possible curvature of the spine. The procedure requires less than one minute. The nurses inspect the student’s spine as he/she stands and then bends forward.

If a visual, hearing or spinal problem is suspected, the student will be rechecked. Parents will be notified if any follow up is needed.

Sport Physical Examination Requirements

CIAC regulations state that a sports physical must be done within 13 months of initially playing a sport. Sports physicals must be updated annually, not to exceed 13 months between physicals.

Note- a school physical on the blue form is acceptable to meet the sports physical requirement, but, the sports physical form cannot be used as State required school physical. Forms may be obtained from the school nurse website under forms and downloads.

Any student who wishes to participate in interscholastic sports at McGee or BHS must have an annual physical. A physical for sports is valid for 13 months from the date the physical was done.


Physical Exam Requirements

To be done prior to entering Kindergarten.

Connecticut State Law requires all school children to have periodic physical examinations and to be properly immunized against certain diseases. All students entering Kindergarten must have a Connecticut Health Assessment Record (state blue form) with the required immunizations on file with the school nurse prior to starting school. Any student who has not submitted the required physical and immunization record will be excluded from entering school in the fall until this requirement is satisfied. Parents must complete the Front Page of the Physical Form.

Mandated Screenings: The following screenings will be completed by the school nurse during the school year. If you do not want your child screened, please notify the school nurse in writing. Vision and hearing- grades K and 1, and 3 through 5. A letter will be sent home if follow-up is needed.

Physical Exam Requirements

To be done prior to entering pre-k and annually.

Connecticut State Law requires all school children to have periodic physical examinations and to be properly immunized against certain diseases. All students entering Pre-k must have the Health Assessment form with the required immunizations on file with the school nurse prior to starting school. Any student who has not submitted the required physical and immunization record will be excluded from entering or attending school until this requirement is satisfied.

Influenza vaccine requirements - All pre-k students must receive the Influenza vaccine each year between August 1st and December 31st (2 doses separated by at least 28 days required for those receiving flu for the first time). Failure to receive the required vaccine will result in the student being excluded from school.

Updated medical conditions or medications - If at any time during the school year your child has a change in their medical condition or medication, please notify the School Nurse as soon as possible with any of these changes so we can update your child”s health record and treat accordingly.


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Christine Thibodeau BSN,RN
860-828-0323 Ext. 5515
Visiting Nurse Association

Edyta Halas RN

Judy McCormack RN E-Mail
Jennifer Campanelli BSN,RN E-Mail
Ann Ferguson BSN,RN E-Mail
Cyndi Mitchel RN E-Mail
Lisa Alger BSN, RN E-Mail
Leah Carbonell RN E-Mail
Holly Goulette MSN,RN E-Mail

Michelle Heath
Patti Murphy
Dorota Swiatlowski