School Physical Examination Requirements
To be done in 6th grade or prior to 7th grade
Connecticut State Law requires all school children to have periodic physical examinations and to be properly immunized against certain diseases. The student’s physician must complete the Connecticut Health Assessment Record (state blue form) and it must be on file at the nurse’s office prior to starting 7th grade. Physicals completed after the end of 5th grade and prior to the start of 7th grade are acceptable. In addition, students must have received their 7th grade immunization requirements, which include the Tdap, Meningococcal, and Hepatitis A vaccines.
Parents need to complete page 1 of the blue State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record and your child’s physician needs to complete page 2 and 3. The completed form needs to be turned in to the school nurse. Additional forms may be obtained from the school nurse website under forms and downloads.
Any student who has not submitted the required physical will be excluded from entering school in the fall until this requirement is satisfied.
Mandated Screenings: The following screenings will be completed by the school nursing personnel during the school year. If you do not want your child screened, please notify the school nurse in writing. If you have any questions regarding any of these screenings, please contact the school nurses.
These screenings will be done for all hybrid learners. All equipment used will be sanitized between each student.
Postural screenings will be for females in 5th and 7th grade and males in 9th grade. The postural screening program is done to detect a possible curvature of the spine. The procedure requires less than one minute. The nurses inspect the student’s spine as he/she stands and then bends forward.
If a visual, hearing or spinal problem is suspected, the student will be rechecked. Parents will be notified if any follow up is needed.
Sport Physical Examination Requirements
CIAC regulations state that a sports physical must be done within 13 months of initially playing a sport. Sports physicals must be updated annually, not to exceed 13 months between physicals.
Note- a school physical on the blue form is acceptable to meet the sports physical requirement, but, the sports physical form cannot be used as State required school physical. Forms may be obtained from the school nurse website under forms and downloads.
Any student who wishes to participate in interscholastic sports at McGee or BHS must have an annual physical. A physical for sports is valid for 13 months from the date the physical was done.